Axtec drum (replica)

Dublin Core


Axtec drum (replica)


This drum is an exact replica of an Aztec tlalpanhuehuetl or war drum. The carvings represent the knowledge given form the Heavens to the Earth. The eagle represents the Heavens, as the ruler of the skies. The man coming from the beak of the eagle represents the Earth and mankind. The drum is used by the heritage dance and drum corps at La Casa Esperanza for community events, and as teaching tools for young students just learning the dances and drum music.

In 1966 three Waukesha families co-signed a mortgage for the original La Casa Esperanza community center, then on Ryan St. The dual mission for the organization has always been to promote the culture of and provide services for the Latino and greater Waukesha community. Early initiatives focused on youth education, vocational training, housing assistance, and community celebrations. Daycare programs became prekindergarten and dual language programs, culminating in the opening of the city’s first charter school: La Casa Esperanza Charter School.

Additional community programs range from tax preparation assistance, weatherization services, energy assistance, youth sports leagues, medical assistance, and housing security. Recognizing the unique housing needs of seniors, La Casa opened La Casa Village Apartment in 1985, adding a second building in 2002.
For many growing up in Waukesha, the annual Fiesta Waukesha provided their first experiences with Mexican and Central American foods. La Fiesta was begun as a fundraiser for the Scholastic Fund for Mexican-Americans. The event continues to raise funds for education, now in support La Casa’s youngest students at the charter school.

Loan From: La Casa Esperanza


Waukesha County Historical Society & Museum


20th century


La Casa Esperanza